Among the subjects of the One King none is more respected than a Chronomancer, or more feared than a Judge. While one fathoms the mystery of time the other measures the weight of a man’s guilt. There are those though who are able to both balance the worth of a man’s life and harness the power of the shifting threads of time. While not true Chronomancers and far more than a Judge, they are referred to as the Enlightened and they are held in awe by the peoples of the Kingdom and viewed with honor by the other knightly orders. The Enlightened encompass strength of arms from their days in the knightly orders, the courage of their conviction from their time as a Judge; and the gifts of faith usually the province of the Chronomancers. Truly they are to be envied by all.
The Order of the Enlightened came into being when a Judge was on trial for murder. When asked why he killed an apparently innocent man, the Judge answered, "for the crime he was going to commit." This sparked a controversy amid the Kingdom and ultimately led to the discovery that this Judge possessed the some of the Chronomancers gifts. Their order is now nurtured by the Chronomancers and is centered in the White Tower at the capitol itself. While not conveying the same finality as the darkened cowl of a Judge, the close-fitting mask of the Enlightened poses a more disturbing question- "What will you do?"
© 1998 Target Games
First version from 09.12.2012. Last version from 15.12.2012.
Article from ChronopiaWorld.com