
Webmaster (4 - 10) Costs: 29
810-10 2133 1601
Webmaster Leader (1) Costs: 39
811-11 2133 1601

Special Rules:
- Swamp Warrior
- Outmaneuver
- Hide
- Start the Game Hidden.
- Webmasters are armed with a Net and a Spiked Chitin Mace.
- The Webmaster Leader is armed with a Web Spinner Staff.
- The Webmaster Leader may purchase an arachnid "pet" to use in combat on the Web Spinner Staff.

Net2+STR--*When the net is thrwon, roll to hit as normal, if successful and your opponent fails his armor roll, then he has been netted. A netted model is placed on its side and considered prone. The only thing a netted model may do is make break test to attempt to free himself from the net. The Strength of the Net is 10.
Spiked Chitin MaceCC--ST+2(x2)
Web Spinner StaffCC--ST+2When the Web Spinner Staff shoots its Web simply place the Spinner Staff Template touching the attacking models base. All models touched by the template must make a successful "Dodge" roll to see is they avoided the sticky web. Each model must roll a D20, on a roll of a 10 or less they have successfully dodged the web. If they failed to avoid the web place the model on its side and it is considered prone. The only thing a webbed model may do is make break tests to attempt to free himself from the net. The Strength of the Net is 10. If a Special Spider selected, its abilities supercede the ones listed here.

First version from 16.12.2012. Last version from 29.01.2022.

Article from ChronopiaWorld.com